Soupe du jour Salade verte maison Salade César classique
Laitue romaine, vinaigrette César maison,
parmesan et focaccia
Pain à lail Pain à lail gratiné Saucisses rôties
Saucisses italiennes, sauce tomate, oignons et
poivrons rouges rôtis servi avec focaccia maison
Tomates, basilic, ail, huile dolive et copeaux de
parmesan sur focaccia
Calmars frits
Calmars frits et sauce marinara épicée
Tomates et mozzarella frais
Tomates italiennes, tranches de mozzarella
frais, pesto et balsamique réduit
Sauce tomate et fromage mozzarella
Sauce tomate, pepperoni et fromage mozzarella
Tomates raisins
Sauce tomate, tomates raisins, basilic frais,
fromage mozzarella et ail
Saucisses italiennes
Sauce tomate, saucisses italiennes et fromage
Sauce tomate, champignons, tomates, zucchinis,
oignons rouges, asperges et fromage mozzarella
Sauce tomate, champignons, pepperoni,
poivrons verts et fromage mozzarella
Smoked meat
Sauce tomate, viande fumée, fromage
mozzarella et cornichon à laneth
Quattro stagione
Quatres pointes différentes : sauce tomate,
tomates raisins et basilic / jambon cuit italien,
asperges, prosciutto et fromage mozzarella
Sauce tomate, jambon, mozzarella, artichauts,
champignons et olives Kalamata
Sauce tomate, mozzarella frais et basilic frais
Sauce tomate, bacon, oignons caramélisés et
fromage mozzarella
Sauce tomate, jambon, oignons caramélisés
et fromage mozzarella
Sauce tomate, épinards, champignons,
artichauts, olives Kalamata, tomates fraîches
et fromage mozzarella
Quatre fromages et pommes
Sauce tomate, pommes et fromages
(mozzarella, fontina, parmesan et brick)
Sauce tomate, saucisses italiennes, tomates
séchées, olives Kalamata et basilic
Sauce tomate, artichauts, poivrons rouges
grillés, courgettes, oignons, olives et feta
Thaï poulet
Sauce Thaï, oignons rouges, poivrons, poulet
grillé, fromage mozzarella et sauce aux arachides
Sauce tomate, saucisson calabrese, oignons et
olives Kalamata
Sauce tomate, mozzarella frais, tomates
fraîches, pesto et basilic frais. Avec Prosciutto
Poulet BBQ
Sauce BBQ, poulet grillé, oignons, coriandre
fraîche et fromage mozzarella
De Luxe
Sauce tomate, jambon italien cuit, saucisses
italiennes, pepperoni, champignons, oignons,
poivrons verts, olives et fromage mozzarella
Chuck Norris
Sauce tomate, saucisses italiennes, viande
fumée, pepperoni, bacon et fromage mozzarella
Sauce tomate, prosciutto, asperges, tomate
fraîches, olive et fromage mozzarella
Champignons Sauvages
Champignons sauvages, huile dolive, ail et
Fromage de chèvre
Sauce tomate, pancetta, romarin et fromage
de chèvre
Sauce salsa épicée, poulet grillé, poivrons
grillés, oignons, fromage mozzarella, guacamole,
crème sûre et coriandre
Chez Carl
Sauce tomate, prosciutto, fenouil, oignons
caramélisés, tomates séchées, fromage de
chèvre, roquette et balsamique réduit
Sauce tomate, ail, crevettes, fromage
mozzarella et fontina
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Went Chez Carl many times in the last years, either for business lunch or with the familly and I always had a great experience (service and food). If you are a pizza fan like me you should definitely stop by. The terrasse in the summer is awsome!
Chez Carl is the best place walking distance from my job --- I like it it feel like home, service is great, food great for the price and beers is fresh. Perfect place for drink after work... Respect for Carl and his crew.
Chez Carl is a great place for a business lunch with coworkers or new clients - as well as for Saturday dinner with the misses. The atmosphere is great. Not too over the top - yet simple and sophisticated. Food is great, always using fresh produce. I tend to have a pizza, although they have recently added a hamburger to the lunch menu - it's a must to try! Their Chuck Norris pizza is a heart-attack on a plate - but it's sooooo goood. Carl and his staff are very nice and hospitable.
The pizza at Chez Carl is so good that you'd crave for more@!!!! Try it out today :)!!
Chez Carl is located in a very convenient area to grab a quick drink or a nice dinner after work. The service has always been on point and they can easily accomodate big groups of 15+ people. The pizza and pasta is fantastic!
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