Want to remodel your home? Here are some suggestions for a smooth, stress-free job.
19 février 2016
Want to remodel your home? Here are some suggestions for a smooth, stress-free job.
Talk to friends and experts to learn about the various materials available. Browse magazines for inspiration, and consult a renovator, architect or decorator.
Envision the future usage of your rooms. For example, if you decide to turn your basement into a rec room knowing you’ll rent it out later, install the plumbing now while the intrusive work is being done.
Avoid costly mistakes by drawing up detailed plans or entrusting the task to a professional. Always start with the most important jobs. Want to redo your roof and your kitchen floor? Do the roof first.
Depending on the scope of the renovations, you may have to relocate temporarily or store some of your belongings with a storage service.
Some kinds of renovations can affect your insurance coverage. Similarly, if you store your goods, make sure you have coverage for them.
Advise your municipality of your renovation project and get a building permit. Doing renovations without one is against the law.
Compare quotes and quality of services from contractors. Ask friends and relatives if they recommend (or not) a particular renovation company.
Add 10 to 15 per cent to the renovator’s estimated cost. If you don’t have enough savings, look into different financing options such as loans or a personal line of credit.
Check in daily to ensure the job is proceeding as planned. Remember to include any project changes to the contract.
Make arrangements with the renovator to pay in instalments based on the progress. Only make your final payment when the work is completed.
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